Patch 5.0
LittleLich'sTower » Devlog
Patch Notes 5.0 - Choices Update:
Hello, it's been a while since the last update. I took a break to do the GMTK game jam and after the experience I realized that I have other project ideas. So, I give myself the goal of the end of the year to finish the game. Another thing I learned during the game jam was I think I need to make game actions in my game more impactful and more complex. So, a lot of the changes in the patch revolves around that idea.
- Changes Start Pack from 2 cards to 5 cards
- In order to give the player better options to make a choice on start room and monster
- The start pack and other pack are more likely to have a room + monster combo that is playable with 3 actions
- Remove the Roommate mechanic
- I think it is not a bad mechanic. But, I feel like a card game should focus on choices that involves cards and the Roommate mechanic also is how to explain without the use of card to help explain it, it doesn't really fit in the game I'm envisioning
- Removed Draft of 3 cards after defeating the Player and replaced with draft system in the SoulShop
- When the Shop opens, 5 cards are drafted. Spending 1 Player Soul to add a draft card to Hand.
- The draft cards do not reset after each round. They reset after all draft cards are purchased or the reroll button is pressed
- Improved the Soul Shop
- The player stills use Player souls in the Soul Shop, but now can spend on 3 different ways
- Added a draft card to hand (Deck if full)
- Reroll draft cards
- Buy a pack of 3 cards from a Booster. A pack is choice of 3 cards, choosing one goes into your Hand. The rest goes to the Deck.
- The player stills use Player souls in the Soul Shop, but now can spend on 3 different ways
- Added Bonus spaces that unlock new Boosters in the Soul Shop
- At the start of the game, there are a basic card pool of a fraction of the cards in the game
- To unlock more cards, Bonus spaces need to be acquired.
- Bonus spaces are like normal spaces but when built on they unlock a booster of a specific type of card and its potential card pool is added to the main card pool. So, draft cards can have the new cards appear.
- Added a lot of new Monster cards
- New card effect types:
- Push - Move a monster from an adjacent room to this room. Triggers that monsters [Entrance].
- Pull - Move a monster from this room to an adjacent room. Triggers that monsters [Exit].
- Build Start - At the start of the Build Phase, effect happens
- Globals -When a specific thing happens / Continuous effects
- Temporary Buff/Debuffs - Buff and Debuffs that last for one Battle Phase
- New card effect types:
- At the start of Battle Phase, Monsters are assigned rooms that they are in and are locked in the room. Locked Monsters cannot move. There are cards that unlock Monsters so they can be moved again.
- Updated sprites, text, and icons
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